Not just the weather also the routine is else here in Australia. A few facts I am going to tell you today.
1. I think everybody knows it but I just tell it. It`s a lot hotter than in Germany.

2. The school starts at nine o`clock which means you can sleep a lot more than in Germany during the week.
3. The schools are all pretty much the same which means you don`t have a big choice like in Germany between a Gymasium or the Wirtschaftsschule. Here it`s one thing the P 12 college.
4. The price for food or anything which is in Germany very cheap is here very very expensive. It`s not really expensive for them but in Germany when you buy a Cola you pay around 1 Euro here you pay around 3-4 Dollars.
5. The houses are all different. Because there were so many different settlers from different countrys there are many different styles a house looks like. But the brick house is the one you see the most.

6. Some people are a lot nicer then the ones in Germany.
7. They have food every Aussie eates but no European knows or has because you can`t buy it in Germany.
Milo: A chocolate powderlike kaba but when you put milk on it there is a very good crust on top.
Vegemite: A bread spread looks like nutella or like a normal chocolate bread spread but tastes salty.
Weet Bix: Any bread or something which gets softened with milk and you can add whatever you want (mostly fruits).
7. They have food every Aussie eates but no European knows or has because you can`t buy it in Germany.
Milo: A chocolate powderlike kaba but when you put milk on it there is a very good crust on top.
Vegemite: A bread spread looks like nutella or like a normal chocolate bread spread but tastes salty.

Weet Bix: Any bread or something which gets softened with milk and you can add whatever you want (mostly fruits).

8. Because of the different settlers they don`t have a real trditional aussie kitchen. Their kitchen in multicultural.
See you soon
Super, Vinzenz!!!! Das ist ein gelungener Einblick in everyday life. Genieße die letzten zwei Wochen und bring bitte KEIN Vegemite mit (brrrr).